Hail, hail Oxford ale!
The crew men drink it,
The new men think it
But I consider it scarcely in
The race with good old Harvard gin!
For those of us who like the gorge,
Dear F. P. A., there is The George;
My only criticism of it:
(And I'm a trencherman of old)--
The oysters there are never cold.
But otherwise I simply love it!
Athletics here cause little sir,
The referees address you "sir",
And when you've thrown the game away
All is forgiven if you say
"Jolly bad show, chaps, what a day!"
The sanitary situation
Is rathed quaint if I do say so,
One realizes with desperation
That if he's dirty he will stay so;
Because no matter what o'clock
The bath house still is round the block!
But don't think this is all the knowledge
I've gained, Dear F. P. A. at College! LEWIS PERRY, JR. F. P. A.'s "The Conning Tower" The Herald-Tribune
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