
News from the Houses

Ken Reeves at Navy Dance

Encouraged by the marked success of their Army game dance, the Leverett House rabbits have again signed up Ken Reeves and his ten-piece orchestra to furnish the rhythym for a formal dinner dance on Saturday evening after the Navy game.

Following a steak dinner at 7 o'clock, the dance will last from 9 o'clock till midnight. As an added attraction Phil Claff will play request numbers on the accordion during dinner. Admission will be $2.50 for couples and $1.50 for stags. Tickets may be secured at the door so long as they last.

Headed by Ernest D. Haseltine, Jr. '38, the dance committee includes Frederic W. Fuller, Jr. '39, J. Spence Harvin '39, A. William Marburg '37, William J. Moore '38, Stephen V. N. Powelson '38, Carleton R. Richmond, Jr. '38, Myron K. Stone '37, and William H. Wright, Jr. '38.

Ushers for the dance, headed by Hugh F. Hinckley '37, will be James H. Brooks '38, Carleton F. Tenney '38, and Arthur W. Nelson '38.
