
Fitchburg Noses Out Jayvee Soccer Team by 1-0 Score

Frequent Substitution Hinders Play of Harvard Team

In a close and exciting game here yesterday the Junior Varsity soccer team lost its first scheduled game to Fitchburg by a 1-0 score.

Frequent substitution by Harvard coaches, endeavoring to give all the players an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities in a scrimmage with an outside team, tended somewhat to break up the home team combinations.

On the offense Hary Alexandre and John Carter led the Crimson play, while Jim Morrison and Boh White bolstered up the defense.

During the second team game, Varsity and Freshman squads tangled for the first time on an adjoining field.

The Junior Varsity lineup: g, Gray, Riocken; r.f., Gosline, Morrisson; l.f., Sheridan; r.h., Witkin; c.h. Whitney, O'Conner; l.h., L. Burbank, White, r.o., Rabenold, Fraley; r.f, Sachs, Alexandre; c. Carter, Whittemore; l.f., Grandin; l.o., Sinnott, g., Warink.
