
Soccer Junior Varsity and Fitchburg Meet Here Today

Carr Names Two Lineups for Reserves in Season Opener

Opening their regular season today the Junior Varsity soccer team plays Fitchburg here at 3 o'clock.

Starting lineups are, A team: g., Gray; rf., V. Whitney; lf., Morrisson; rh., White; ch., Haskell; lh., E. Whitney; ro., Fraley; ri., Sachs; c., Carter; li., Alexandre; lo., Sinnott.

B team: g., Briggs; rf., Gosline; lf., Sheridan; rh., O'Connor; lh., L. Burbank; ro., Parsons; ri., Witkin; c., Whittemore; li., Arrowsmith, Grandin; lo., Rabenold.

Also this afternoon the Varsity and Freshman teams meet in their first informal contest of the year.

Varsity Coach Jack Carr has selected two tentative lineups from the ranks of his first team reserves.


Although the Freshmen are still an unknown quantity, it is expected that today's scrimmage will uncover some new talent. At the same time the Varsity squad will receive a stiff workout.
