To the Editor of the Crimson:
I was extremely amused in an article appearing in this column of Wednesday's copy of the Crimson, written by one Narcissus; without doubt a budding Communist. Unfortunately, he like the typical Red, has either evaded the issue or has mistaken the point in question altogether.
I will not contest his protest concerning the evils of the American Legionnaires. On the other hand, I sincerely believe that they have compensated much for these black marks against their record by hauling Earl Browder off of the soap-box. Browder got exactly the kind of reception that anyone would receive were he to attempt to preach Capitalism in Russia. Indeed, in the latter case, his meeting would not have been the only thing that would have been smashed in.
History has proven to us time and again that Communism has no place in America. The Red idea appeals to a certain antagonistic and aggressive spirit interred in the bones of every "down-and-outer". Communistic advocates stubbornly insist that it is a desire for a Red government. That is the most serious of their many mistakes. The man is dissatisfied with his economic position in our type of industrial society. He wants to gain a place in the upper brackets. In other words, this type of fellow, the sediment of Bacchus, seeks to satisfy his own interests. This is a far cry from the abolishment of Capitalism, Consequently, anyone who suppresses Communism in the United States does so, not out of fear, but rather because of the annoyance which it affords.
Simply because we cannot all find room on our "ship of 'Capitalism'" is no excuse for sinking her and providing every man with a rowboat. Our problem, rather, is to improve her facilities of accomodation; --not to carry out the scheme of "Doryism" that such men as Browder preach.
In closing may I add that there is a certain something about many of the Harvard students which, to me, is most amusing: namely, that queer desire to be individualistic. To that group, Individualism breathes Romanticism and Idolization. They do things to be different, yet know not what they do. For the sake of satisfying your own curiousity with a good laugh to boot, may I suggest, dear reader, that you visit your Communistic friend and ask him for HIS version of what Communism really is. Keith Bowen '37
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