
Swinging Around the Downtown Loop

The Seltzer Brothers

Alka and Bromo have had plenty time to sooth your troubled brow. Awake and rejoice, another weekend is at hand. Hallowe'en and the Princeton aftermath fall on the same eve.

Twenty-four hours seems too short a time to celebrate two such noteworthy occasions. Yet we must make the most of it. Whether dunking for apples at the Round Up or taming savage tigers on Soldier's field, or sipping Scotch and sodas at Dinty Moore's, Ten Thousand Men of Harvard will have a roaring good weekend.

The Penthouse--Tommy Maren's extra vanaganza on the roof of the Hotel Bradford. A gorgeous floor show with no cover charge.

Dinty Moore's--Indirect lighting, Bohemian atmosphere, a rendezvous for Harvard men. Joe and Charlie await your order for a "Ronrico Frosted cocktail frapped."


Normandie--The Casa Loma quartette still lulis boys and girls. Dancing to the strains of Frank Ward's swing band makes the evening complete. $1.50 per couple. Also an excellent cuisine.

Look Ober--Pienty of delicious food and an excellent bar service.

Tremont Plaza--Dancing 6-1 to Jimmy McHale's special orchestrations. Choice food and liquors. No cover charge.

Durgin Park--In the heart of the Market district. The Harvard man's paradise. Special steaks and chicken dinners that are unexcelled.

Athen-Olympia--Something different. Good Greek food at reasonable prices.

Waterfront Club--A favorite rendezvous for students and Boston society for a number of years has been the Water-front Club at Rowes Wharf. The Club offers the most realistic sea side atmosphere to be found in Boston. It is well known to a great many of the student body. A new feature this year is a floor show every evening and dancing to the music of the Waterfront Swing Band. Reservations practically filling the club for saturday night, are reported.

Hotel Statler--Nye Mayhew is making a hit; a Martini, a lobster dinner and a dance are suggested.

The Round-Up--Attention. A Hallowe'en party with all the trappings, sparkling entertainment with finest food and drinks.

Copley Plaza--The Sheraton room will reverberate this eve with the notes of the three master orchestras.

Chick Webb, A new colored swing sensation.
