

Like Janus, the two-faced god of the Romans, the Crimson is looking in both directions during the period proceeding its straw vote. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, until October fourteenth, editorials will appear by Helianthus and Mulus, two Crimson editorial writers of opposing political views. The formers tends to look in the general direction of Kansas; the latter veers toward Washington

In New York last Thursday evening Alfred E. Smith announced Governor Landon as his choice in the Presidential election. This was a fitting end to his famous walking trip, which he began down in Philadelphia last June and continued from there, with a stopover at the neighboring city of Wilmington, Delaware.

There was nothing constructive in the Smith Speech, and it became more apparent with each paragraph that it was merely the swan song of a bitter and frustrated man, from under whom Mr. Roosevelt had yanked the Presidential chair in 1932. His denial of jealousy rings as false as his plea of poverty, in spite of many attempted humorous allusions to his brown derby.

The attacks on President Roosevelt were personal in nature and malicious in tone. They are just another example of how little his tactics, learned in the Tammany outhouse, have hanged, even in his associations with the Liberty Leaguers. The sarcastic remarks about the President's aristocratic background and his mother's wealth have as little effect as the challenge that the Democratic platform of 1932 has been rejected.

Because he cannot "defend a failure." Mr. Smith announced he was going over to the London camp. Just what this failure amounts to was shown in cold facts by President Roosevelt at Pittsburgh the same evening. The increase in the public debt during the past three year's has been $8,000,000,000, while the increase in the annual national income during that period has been $15,000,000,000. If would be interesting for Mr. Smith and his friends to challenge this $8,000,000,000 as a reasonable price for recovery. During the year ending October 1, 1936, there has not been a single national bank failure in the United States, a fifty-five year record. The many petty mistakes of the New Deal, thrown into Mr. Roosevelt's race by such opponents as Al Smith, cannot make this state of affairs look less attractive to the American voter.
