
Scholarships Are Awarded to Ten By School of Education

Aid Given Candidates for New Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching

Award of scholarships totalling $6,270 to ten students in the Graduate School of Education and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences was announced today.

Amos M. Franceschelli, 3 GEd., of Cambridge, received a Sheldon Traveling Fellowship in Education, Harold M. Baker, 1GEd., of Reading, an Austin Scholarship, and Henry E. Pray, 1G., of Sea Cliff, New York, a Faculty Scholarship.

The following three students, who are candidates for the new degree of Master of Arts in Teaching in the School of Education and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, have received University Scholarships: Richard B. Ballou, of Worcester; George D. Hecht, of Dorchester; and Samuel Sinnreich, of Brooklyn, New York.

Also Edward T. Lampoon, 4G., of Hartford, Connecticut, received a Harvard Cutting Fellowship, Branford P. Miller, 2G., of Cambridge, a Class of 1897 Scholarship, and James G. Baker, 2G., of Shelbyville, Kentucky, a University Fellowship.

Albert B. Lord, 2G., of Allston, Mass., has been awarded a scholarship from the American Council of Learned Societies
