Although security is undoubtedly a will-o'-the-wisp, some inner force in man drives him ever onward toward this goal. And nowhere is "security" more important and complicated than in international affairs. However intangible, there are certain controllable factors; just as in scientific experimentation. The most important of these, for Americans, is the man who occupies the Presidential chair.
Today, the choice is clear-cut. In these times of uncertainty America cannot afford to have a President who is temperamentally unsuited to the task of keeping the nation out of war. Roosevelt is often praised because he is especially sensitive to public opinion. Yet the past few years have shown that public opinion is the most variable of elements, and a weathervane for President is the surest guarantee of disaster. It has been said that Roosevelt's policy is laudable. It should be examined. He partially sponsored, and then wrecked, the London Economic Conference. The administration's silver policy brought China to the brink of disatser. "The good neighbor" policy, for which the President holds himself solely responsible, was instituted in Hoover's administration when marines were withdrawn and a general pacific attitude in regard to South and Central America prevailed. And it was not so long ago that he flailed the heads of many European governments, thus contributing, of course, to the general harmony. Lastly, and most pertinent today is the aggressive Eastern policy of building a navy "second to none"; sending the fleet on threatening maneuvers in the Pacific; building forts; and generally using swash-buckling tactics of the approved Prussian model; all, of course, with intention of contributing to Japan's tranquillity.
Those who have listened to Governor Landon when he made his address before the American Legion some weeks ago, or who tuned in on his recent Indianapolis speech cannot but be impressed by his sincerity. Governor Landon is an earnest man; in nothing is he more in earnest than peace. He proposes no sure-fire panaceas for complicated problems; that is not his forte. But he sees little use in being a kite tied to the League whirligig; he cannot envision "a war to stop war". Concretely, he proposes the greatest possible use of arbitration, lower tariffs, and taking of profits out of war. Further, he believes in neutrality and a pacific policy at all times, not hardened by all-embracive legislation into a glove which will not fit when war actually breaks out. Governor Landon says what he means and means what he says, being a man of conviction and principle. America will need such a man in the next four years.
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