Roosevelt crashed through with 435 votes to Landon's 232, in a special poll of the Law School conducted this week by the Law School Committee of Phillips Brooks House.
Roosevelt carried 25 states including California and Illinois by one vote each: New York and Massachusetts by large majorities. Landon carried 14 States including Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
There was a tie vote in 6 states and no vote in three others. Out of a total of 775 men who voted, only 374 signified their intension to go to the polls on Election day.
The complete tabulation was as follows: Thirty-one ballots were rejected because of duplication or totally illegible signatures or because the signature could not be found in the Official Register. Notes from Joo Stick, Father Coughlin, Mac West and two complimentary tickets for the grandstand at Rockingham were also received.
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