
John Reed Society to Hold Weekly Discussion Groups

To Concern Marx, Current Problems; George Ellis President

At a meeting of the John Reed Society yesterday evening, plans were made for its activities during the current year and new officers were elected.

Two discussion groups, to meet on alternate Tuesdays, were decided upon. One of these will concern the elements of Marxism, and will be led by an instructor or some other competent person. The other group will study current political and social questions under the leadership of an authority, and may meet in the form of a debate.

The officers elected are: George R. Ellis 1G.B., president; Hume Dow '38, vice-president in charge of speakers; George L. Weissman '39, vice-president in charge of literature; Robert R. Ross '37, assistant speakers committee; Howard Houseman 3L., secretary; Robert H. Chase '38, treasurer; and Basil Pollit '40, Freshman representative.
