

Awarded for Literary, Scholastic, and Moral Qualities; Athletics Also Count Heavily

Undergraduates competing for Rhodes Scholarships this year must file their applications by November 7, and must secure their letter of recommendation from President Conant's secretary before October 24, according to an announcement last night by Francis O. Matthiessen, secretary of the Massachusetts State Committee of Selection.

The scholarships, according to the will of Cecil John Rhodes, are awarded annually on the basis of scholastic and literary abilities; moral qualities; under which are considered manhood, truth, courage, and fellowship; force of character and leadership; physical vigor, as demonstrated by interest in outdoor sports. As the committee is on the watch for men who will excel in a particular field, intellect and character will receive more emphasis than the quality of physical vigor.

In the United States 32 scholarships, carrying an annual stipend of 400 pounds and two year's tenure at Oxford, are awarded Although appointments are generally made for two years, since that is the usual time required for a degree, occasionally due to special circumstances a stipend for a third year may be arranged.

Due to President Conant's absence in Europe, applicants will have to make arrangements with his secretary to secure their letters of recommendation. If a student is competing from Massachusetts, he would turn in his papers to Professor Matthiessen; if he decides to apply from his own state, he should give them to the Secretary of his State Committee.

Personal interviews between candidates and the secretaries are scheduled for December 17 or 19, according to the state. Application blanks and the Rhodes Scholarship Memorandum for 1936 can be obtained from Mr. Matthiessen, whose office hours are N-21 Eliot House from 2.00 to 2.30 o'clock Mondays and Wednesdays. He advises all candidates to read the "Oxford Handbook" on reserve in the Widener Reading Room.
