ONE of the most, popular bands of CBS air waves (and for college programs, too) is House Heidt and his Brigadiers. One of the most popular members played by the tall, hand some maestro's orchestra is Building a Band, a feature on his varied program that brings to him listen the inside story of how a hand that commands the is built. Here COLLEGIATE Digest presents the Brigadiers at work Building a Band, with words by the versatile singing maestro, Below the numbers in sequence and you'll learn exactly how it's done and if you don't have all the essential when you build your own hand you'll know that rhythm insult your business.
"I have often been asked how a band leader goes about building up a band, so here I show you photographically just how, I go about doing it. When we have our band completed, we must have an organization that is both distinctive and different, for unless we do, we have only copied the style of some noted band, and have nothing original."
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