1. All prints, to be considered in the judging, must be left either at the Fine Arts Guild at 102 Mt. Auburn Street, or at the CRIMSON Building, 14 Plympton Street, before 5 p. m. on November 20.
2. The exhibition will be open to any present members of the faculties, graduate, or undergraduate bodies of Harvard University and Radcliffe College, with the exception of present members of the Harvard CRIMSON photographic staff, who are ineligible for prizes.
3. There will be a special prise for color photography of ten dollars, but all black and white photographs will be judged as in one class and the remaining prices will be allotted as the judges may see fit. The decisions of the judges will be final in all cases.
4. The prints must be on mounts approximately 16 by 20 inches.
5. Each entrant will be allowed three prints entry free. Any greater number will encur an entry charge of 76 cents per print, the proceeds to go to the prize winners as the judges may allot.
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