Continuing the investigation of speech disorders started by Professor Frederick C. Packard '20 two years ago, the first meeting of the Speech Clinic took place Wednesday night in Holden Chapel. Seven members attended this session and a few prospective members. Professor Packard will also be glad to consult with any others who wish to avail themselves of the course's opportunities.
The plans for this year include weekly sessions which will be held on Wednesdays at 5 o'clock for those afflicted with stammering of stuttering. In these classes experiments will be made in methods of corrective treatment. There may also be formed a social group for the study of progress in adaptation.
This year Dr. Frederick W. Ilfeld '28, now orthopedic surgeon on the staff of the Massachusetts General Hospital, will act as a consultant connected with the Hygiene Department to help Professor Packard with examination and case histories of those students in the Clinic. The retaining of Dr. Ilfeld will thus tie up the Speech Clinic with the Hygiene Department, a move long sought.
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