

Opening Tilt on Soldiers Field This Afternoon; Yardlings Will Encounter Worcester Tomorrow

Opening its season here this afternoon, the Jayvee gridsters will have their first taste of outside competition against the Providence College Freshmen. The game will be played on the Yardling field, and the price of admission is 55 cents.

The starting Jayvee lineup will see Colwell and Knapp at ends; Barkin and Schmidt at the tackle posts; Baum and Tufts will be at the guard positions, while Rick Hedblem will play center. Burnett will play quarter, while Houghton and Jerome will play halfback positions and Cohen will be fullback.

Yardlings Face Worcester Tomorrow

Playing its first home game, the Yardling eleven will clash with Worcester Academy at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Coach Henry Lamar has made several changes in the team as a result of the Exeter defeat, George Duano, former Newton High player, will start at left guard Carrick Heiskell of St. Mark's School will start at left guard, and Peter former Mikon Academy captain will be at right half back.
