

Changes Not Necessarily Permanent But Developed to Give Strength for Army Clash

In a determined effort to bolster the reserve strength of his forward wall in preparation for the Army game, Coach Dick Harlow effected wholesale changes in the A team line at yesterday's morning practice.

Captain Jim Gaffney moved from tackle back to his old post of guard, Mike Adlis was boosted to fill Gaffney's tackle position, and Russ Allen becomes top guard on the B team. Harlow emphasized that Gaffney can be shifted to tackle at any time, and that none of the changes are necessarily permanent.

However, the coaching staff feels it is particularly important to have strong reserves on tap for the expected Army line assault. Gaffney will be in familiar territory, having been at the guard post every game last season.

What Brown Game Showed

The Brown game developed a fairly strong running attack which, however, bogged down at several points, due both to poor blocking and general lack of spark in the team. Also the game showed that the Varsity pass defense still leaves much to be desired. The Army execution of flat passes is bound to be more finished than Browns, yet Brown completed five out of 12.


The line play furnished a bright spot, after a slightly wild first period, and the running of Roberts and Oakes also gave promise of a fast offensive game against the Soldiers. Tuss McLaughry, Brown coach, picked Al Kevorkian as the lineman who gave the Bears the most trouble, and Klein was making his presence felt in the Brown backfield while he was in at guard.

Practice yesterday consisted of a hard session devoted to offensive attack, and considerable work on pass defense, followed by general brushing up and polishing.

Team A lined up as follows: Winter, l.e., Kevorkian, l.t., Gaffney, l.g., Russell, c., Kessler, r.g., Adlis, r.t., Staples, r.e., Boston, q., Roberts, l.h., Ford, r.h., Struck, f.
