
Near 800 Men Ask for Jobs As Ticket Takers and Ushers

Only 160 Positions for Ticket Men; All Ushers Jobs Will Be Taken

When the applications for ushers and ticket takers for the coming football season closed yesterday it was found that between 300 and 400 men had applied for usher's positions and about the same number desired to be ticket takers.

It is probable that every application for usher will be accepted, but there are only 160 places available for ticket takers. The main basis of selection is that of experience, all men not having previous training being rejected. Although the number of applicants is high it does not approach the mid-depression figure of 800 requests to handle tickets.

Ushers report before one o'clock for the first two games and before 12:15 o'clock for subsequent games. Ticket takers complete their duties by the end of the half and may see the last half of all games.
