

Gardner, Chairman; Marvin, Sprague, Mallinckrodt, Perkins, and William Gardiner Are Vice Chairmen

Thirty-nine prominent Harvard graduates, representing every section of the country, were today named members of the committee for the 300th anniversary fund, according to G. Peabody Gardner, Jr. '10, chairman.

A. Lawrence Lowell '77, Charles Francis Adams '88, and Thomas W. Lamont '92 are the honorary chairmen who head the long list of dignitaries on the Executive and Regional committees.

The fund was established a month ago by President Conant, in connection with the international celebration of the 300th anniversary of the founding of Harvard next September.

Early Gifts to Fund

Early donations to this fund "to increase the national usefulness of Harvard University" were a national scholarship given by Henry Osborn Taylor '74 and Mrs. Taylor, and a $500,000 gift by Lamont for the establishment of one of the new types of interdepartmental or "roving" professorships.


The five vice-chairman chosen representing the different regions of the country are: Langdon P. Marvin '98, New York lawyer and former member of the Board of Overseers; Albert A. Sprague '98, Chicago civic leader and member of the Board of Overseers; Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. '00, St. Louis chemist and member of the Board of Overseers; Charles E. Perkins '04, corporation official of Santa Barbara, Calif., and William Tudor Gardiner '14, of Gardiner, Me., a former governor of Maine.

The members of the fund committee are:

Honorary Chairmen

A. Lawrence Lowell '77, Boston; Charles Francis Adams '88, Boston; Thomas W. Lamont '92, New York.


G. Peabody Gardner, Jr. 10, Boston.


Langdon P. Marvin '98, New York; Albert A. Sprague '98, Chicago civic leader; Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. '00, St. Louis; Charles E. Perkins '04, Santa Barbara, Calif, William Tudor Gardiner '14, Gardiner, Me.

Executive Secretary

John E. Thayer '10, Boston.

Regional Chairmen

George T. Moore '95, St. Louis, Mo., for S. W. Division-St. Louis; Evan Hollister '97, Buffalo, N. Y., for New York State; Benjamin H. Dibblee '99, San Francisco, Calif., for Pacific Coast; William R. Castle, Jr. '00, Washington, D. C., for Washington, D. C., Virginia and West Virginia; Walter F. Dillingham '00, Honolulu, T. H., for Hawall; James Jackson '04, Boston, Mass., for New England; Phillip C. Staples '04, Philadelphia, Pa., for E. Pa and Del.; William W. Fisher '04, Dallas, Tex., for Tex., Okla., N. Mex., and Ariz.; Samuel A. Welldon '04, New York City, for New York City; John J. Rowe '06, Cincinnati, O., for South Ohio; George B. Simmons '07, Baltimore, Md., for Maryland; Perey W. Brown '08, Cleveland, O., for North Ohio; Chaster I. Barnard '10, Newark, N. J., for New Jersey; Charles H. Wolfe '10, Pittsburgh, Pa., for West Pennsylvania; Clarence B. Randall '12, Chicago, III., for central Div., Chicago; Hale G. Knight '13, Detroit, Mich., Michigan.

Other Executive Members

All of the above regional chairman are members of the executive committee working with Mr. Gardiner, and, in addition, the following men are members of the executive committee:

James Byrne '77, New York, N. Y.; Judge Learned Hand '93, New York, N. Y.; Arthur Lehman '94, New York, N. Y.; Dr. Barvey Cushing m '95, New Haven, Conn,; John W. Prenties '93, New York, N. Y.; Eliot Wadsworth '93, Boston, Mass,; Dwight F. Davis '00, St. Louis Mo., and Tallahane, Fla.; William R. Munro G '01, Pasadnes, Calif.; Samuel H. Wolcott '92, Boston, Mass.; Ogden L. Mills '95, New York, N. Y.; Eliot Root, Jr. 1 '06, New York, N. Y. ; Eliot C. Culler '09, Boston, Mass.; Joseph P. Kennedy '12, New York, N. Y.; Donald K. David '09, New York, N. Y
