

Coach Gallagher Fears a Stiff Match; Glendinning Will Wrestle Siklad, New England Champion

In what Coach Gallagher predicts will be one of the most closely contested matches of the season, the wrestling team comes up against Brown on Saturday afternoon in the Indoor Athletic Building.

In the unlimited division, Bill Glendinning, a tackle on the Varsity eleven last season, will face Siklad, the New England champion, who also played the tackle position, and defeated Love of Yale for the New England heavyweight championship last year. He and Glendinning, who was undefeated in Freshman competition last year, should put on the most interesting match of the afternoon, Cliff Gallagher believes.

At Harkness in the 175-pound class is another undefeated candidate from last year's Freshman team, while Bill Cavin, a junior, has a clean slate except for a defeat at the hands of Bull, the New England champion in the 145-pound class. Captain Stoddard, who holds the New England 135-pound championship and who was runner-up in the Eastern intercollegiate, seems to be the only contestant who may be fairly confident of victory.
