
Horace V. Gregory Lectures on Emerson This Afternoon

Poet Will Read Some of His Own Works for Morris Gray Fund

Horace V. Gregory will speak on Ralph Waldo Emerson and read some of his own poems in the sixth of the series of Morris Gray Poetry Fund lectures on Thursday afternoon at 4:30 O'clock in Sever 11.

A poet and critic, Mr. Gregory has published his poems in three books entitled "Chorus for Survival", "No Retreat", and "Chelsea Rooming House", which came out last year. He has contributed to the "New Masses" and the book section of the New York Herald Tribune, and has also published a collection of translations from Catullus.

Other speakers in this series of lectures have been Robert Frost, John Lomax, Archibald MacLeish, and James Stevens. They were conducted by Widener Library until two years ago, but Robert S. Hillyer '17, associate professor of English, is in charge of the present lecture.
