

Canada Leads Outside United States With 47 Students, as Massachusetts Claims Domestic Plurality

With the completion of the registration statistics comes the announcement that the University has grown by 137 students since last year. The total enrollment is now 7,870.

More Foreigners

About a third of this gain can be traced to be increased influx of foreign students. A total of 207 men from 46 alien nations and U. S. possessions are now studying here, as compared with 170 in 1934-35. Only 35 foreign countries and U. S. possessions were represented last year.

Every state in the Union is represented among the 7,663 students from the United States. Massachusetts, with 3,022 students, has the largest representation, followed by New York, with 1,314; Pennsylvania, 383; New Jersey, 307; Ohio, 266; Connecticut, 242; Illinois, 223; and California, 206.

Canada Leads


Outside the United States, Canada leads with 47 students, followed by China, 27; England, 21; Hawaii, 19; France, 11; Puerto Rico, 8; Germany, 8; Mexico, 7; Belgium, 4; and Turkey, 4. Other countries, Colombia, Estonia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Alaska, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canal Zone, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Holland, Hungary, India, Ireland, Lithuania, Newfoundland, Nicaragua, Philippine Islands, Santo Domingo, Scotland, Siam, Spain, Straits Settlements, Sweden, South Africa, Roumania, and Syria.

Total Enrollment

The total enrollment in Harvard College is 3,726. In the twelve graduate schools there are 4,144 students, the Law School leading with 1,466, followed by the Business School, 746; the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 736; the Medical School, 529; and the Graduate School of Education, 202.

Last year the college enrollment was 3,593, and that of the graduate schools 4,140. Massachusetts led the states with 3,063 students, New York being second with 1,293.
