Terming the four free mid-year reviews "highly successful", the Union Committee passed a resolution of thanks last night to the faculty members who had cooperated in them. About 400 Freshmen attended the reviews arranged by the committee.
These reviews were held in Philosophy B, Chemistry A, Biology A, and Biology D. Philosophy turned out to be largest, with about 130 attending, while the Chemistry drew 55, the smallest of the four.
Text of the Resolution
The text of the Union Committee resolution is as follows: "Whereas, four very successful free reviews have been held in certain courses, and whereas, as a result of this experiment this Committee feels that these reviews are of educational value and fill a gap not previously covered by the University.
"Therefore, be it resolved that this Committee, on behalf of the Freshmen who attended these reviews, does hereby thank Professors Lamb, Hocking, and Wheldon for their co-operation and Messrs. MacDougall, Kaiser, Cheedle, and Taylor, who devoted their time and energy to conduct these reviews."
More For Finals
"Be it further resolved that this Committee, in view of the success of these recent meetings, shall make every attempt to arrange these sessions for an increased number of courses before the final examinations.
History I gave no session, for it was felt that a certain amount of review work had been accomplished through the chronological charis and reviews in section meetings, but the review idea was received with sympathy.
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