
The Music Box

Announcements of impending events in the world of music and the dance, advance information on programmatic matters and other available tid-bits of aesthetic interest will be the weekly fare of this budding column. It will endeavor to present, honestly and with decorum, such advance "dope" as it hopes will interest local devotees of Music.

Sarita, Spanish dancer, will give a recital of gypsy, and popular Spanish dances this evening at 8:15 o'clock in Jordan Hall. Her program will include several of her own choreographic compositions such as "Rapsodia Valencia", a compendium of the varied rhythms of vivid and exciting Valencia, "Zambra" a Moorish gypsy dance and several other interpretations based upon the colorful, impassioned themes of popular Spanish melodies.

On Thursday evening Dr. Koussevitsky will lead the Boston Symphony at Sanders Theater in Cambridge. The program is to embrace two Bach preludes arranged by Pick-Managiagalli; Edward Burlingame Hill's "Lilacs"; "Pohjola's Daughter" the colorful symphonic Fantasia by Jan Sibelius, and in conclusion the Second Symphony in D major of Johannes Brahms. Thursday evening will also offer a duet recital at Jordan Hall by Eleanor Steele, soprano and Hall Clovis, tenor. The program will include well known songs of Schubert and Schumann.

The regular Friday afternoon and Saturday evening Symphony Hall concerts will offer a varied program embracing the two above mentioned Bach preludes; Beethoven's Symphony number six, the "Pastoral"; a new score, "Danza," by John Alden Carpenter; Debussy's "L' Apres'Midi d'un Faun"; the scherzo to Mendelssohn's "Midsummer Night's Dream" and the prelude to Wagner's "Meistersinger."

Jeno Swislowski, pianist, will perform Back's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor; Beethoven's Sonata in F Minor, opus 57, Schumann's "Papillon" as well as several short works of Chopin at 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon at Jordan Hall.


Leonard Shure, Pianist, who is scheduled to play with the Symphony in several weeks, will present a recital next Tuesday. The program is not as yet announced.
