Times and places of four of the free mid-year reviews in certain of the larger Freshman courses were arranged yesterday by members of the Union Committee. These reviews, which were adopted at the last meeting of the committee, are to be given by men from the particular departments concerned.
The first one, on Philosophy, will be given by Charles H. Kaiser, instructor in the course, in the common room of the Union next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Later reviews are scheduled as follows; Chemistry A, at 7.30 o'clock on Thursday, January 23, in MB-9; Biology A, in the Union on Sunday or Monday, January 26 or 27; and Biology D in the Union at 8 o'clock on Monday, January 27.
Dean Leighton granted permission to give these sessions only in the subjects where the permission of the head of the course could be obtained, and in History 1, it was felt it was too late to arrange a review, as all mean eligible to give it had seen the examination.
Arthur N. Holcombe '06, professor of Government 1, did not agree with the type of work planned, but will ask his instructors to give individual aid to students desiring it.
These sessions are only an experiment and if they are successful they will be given again in a greater number of courses, just before final exams.
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Jayvees Conquer Tufts Five, 48-42