
Leverett Saltonstall Sees Necessity of Some Farm Program Within Constitution to Replace A.A.A.

Speaker of State House Opposed to Teachers Oath; Approves Old Age Pensions

Fram relief within the terms of the Constitution should be substituted for the recent AAA, in the opinion of Levertett Saltonstall '14, speaker of the Massachusetts House and candidate for the Republican nomination for governor.

"I believe, as almost every one does that something should be done for the Farmers", said Mr. Saltonsfall, "but I was not in favor of the methods employed by the AAA. The Supreme court decision has served to clear the sir, I think." The problem of what form the Fram relief might take he considers a highly complicated question, and could offer no constructive suggestion at present.

Against Teacher's Oath

"I have always been opposed to the Teachers' Oath Bill," he stated, "but certainly believe that it should be lived up to while it is still on the books."

Concerning the question of unemployment insurance, the Speaker declared that he did not approve of a Federal law to take care of the problem, but believed that the Massachusetts law should be given a fair trial. "It may be amended and improved," he said, "but in no event should it be repealed without a thorough test."


Old Age Assistance

Speaking of Old age Pensions and the Townsend Plan, Mr. Saltonstall was also against any Federal action, but approved of the present Massachusetts law on Old Age assistance, which he believed should be amended and improved wherever necessary.

The Massachusetts law, passed in 1931, provides for "adequate assistance to all deserving citizens of 70 or over who have been residents of the state for twenty years. Unlike the Townsend Plan it stipulates no standard rate of financial aid and there is no tax attached to raise the money.

Mr. Saltonstall graduated from the Law School in 1917. He is a member of the Board of Orarseers which met on Monday and has been in the Massachusetts House of Representatives since 1923.
