
News from the House

Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Urges House Art Exhibits

At the suggestion of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a committee is being formed for the purpose of holding exhibits of modern painting in the Houses.

The committee, consisting of two men from each House, will work in conjunction with the Museum of Modern Art in New York. They will receive paintings from it or from the Boston Museum and arrange small exhibitions in the Houses. Mrs. Roger B. Merriman is working on the Harvard end of the plan, but as yet all members of the committee have not been chosen. Dunster House will probably be represented by Edward Epstein '38, who staged a successful exhibit of modern painting during November in the Dunster Common Room.

Mrs. Merriman is also planning to obtain a film which the Museum of Modern Art is producing. It deals with the history of the Motion Picture Industry, and will be shown in connection with the art exhibits.
