
Bandits Hold Up Sophomore on Norway St., and Steal Car

Calvocoressi Robbed of Ten Dollars and Watch; Car Recovered

Wile parking his car on Orway Street near Massachusetts Avenue late yesterday afternoon, John Calvocoressi '38 was held up by two gunmen.

One of them thrust a revolver through the left door, his accomplice entered the car from the right and took the wheel. They then sandwiched Calvocoressi between them, warned him to be silent, and drove off toward the South End. After robbing him of $10 and a wrist watch, they ordered him out of the car and informed him they would leave it about a mile further up the street.

Unharmed, Calvocoressi walked to a telephone booth and reported the holdup. The police found the car later in the evening in the place indicated by the gunmen.
