
Boston Pros Defeat Soccer Eleven in Scrimmage Here

Saturday's Strong Defense Offset by Inabilites of Attack

In an informal game on the Business School Field Saturday afternoon the Crimson soccer. Varsity dropped a close decision to the Boston Professionals, 2-0.

Though the Harvard attack was totally unable to form in the Boston half of he field, good defensive play, especially by Captain Dorman and Bob Holcombe, kept the opposition from scoring until late in the game, when Coach Carr had a makeshift lineup on the field.

Crimson offensive work was featured by the play of Jim Wood and Ted Robie, who missed a goal in the third only when a Boston fullback beat out his hot shot past the goalie.

The Harvard lineup: g., perry (Briggs) (Wallace); l.f., Fuller (Powell); r.f., Holcombe (Morrisson); l.h., Vincent (Haskell) (Brooks); c.h., Capt. Dorman (R.Scott) (L. Burbank); r.h., A. Scott (D.Burbank) (Jefferys); l.e., Wood (Knox) (O"Connor) (Angel); l.f., E. Motley (Hastings); c., Robie (Kelley) (MOrgan) (Howard); r.i., T. Motley (sleeper); r.e, Dawson (Fraley).
