As a result of the preliminary tryouts this week, Malcolm H. Holmes '28, conductor of the Pierlan Sodality, has provisionally accepted 25 men. Still in demand are players of the double bass, the bassoon; and the obee. The orchestra enters its one hundred and twenty-eighth season under the management of Austin Ivory, 2GB, and James T. Morrisson '38.
The following have been retained:
Violins: Roger Birnique 1L, Seymour Bunshaft '39, A. German Hills '37, Finley H. Perry '39, and Donis Rhodes '38. Trumpets: Harold Calmer '39, Roger W. Loewi '39, Waine T. Ray '39, and James L. Tyson '39, Clarinets: Hughes Call '39, Jan LaRue '39, and George W. Phillips '39. Flutes: Guy Molton G., Robert T., Rand 1G., Nilakanta Sastry 2 GB, Royal S. Schaaf '39, and Francis M. Schull 1G. Cellos: Paul A. Alexander '39, Arthur D. Gardiner '39, and Philip E. Morin '39. French horn: Sidney R. Ballou '35. Trombone: Russell B. Edmond '39. Viola: Eit Cantor 1L. Tympani: N. James Dain '39. Bass drum: Sherwood D. Fox '39. Librarian: Harold L. Golden '38.
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