
Golf Prospects Will Meet at Varsity Club on Monday

Tournament Planned on Trapelo Club to Reveal Material

As a preliminary to the fall golf season, all men interested in the sport will meet Monday at 5.15 o'clock in the Varsity Club.

Plans have been made for a tournament to be played at an early date over the Trapelo Country Club, to bring out some new material and to give Coach Clark Hodder a line on the candidates for the Varsity, Jayvee, and Freshman des, and Pierson teams. The tournament is open to all undergraduates. By a special arrangement between the H.A.A. and the club, green fees are to be $.50 per round.

The Varsity already looks the strongest in several years, with five veterans: Captain Bob Hunter, Lyn Lardner, George Enos, Charles Bellows, and Mansfield Branigan. Several men from last year's Jayvee squad are expected to make a showing, in addition to the Sophomores Peterson, Allis, Pierce, Mendelson, Olson, Prouty, Si-


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