
Freshmen Will Be Admitted to Dudley Hall Under Ruling Made by Committee

Only requirement is that 1939 must pay ten dollars required of all members

Freshmen will be admitted to the new commuters' center under a ruling passed by the Non-Residents' Student Committee yesterday. The only requirement is that they must pay the regular $10 fee which is levied against all members.

The move comes as the result of agitation on the part of some first year men and Phillips Brooks House and completes the unit as one open to all non-residents. Officials of the University had planned that Freshmen should use the facilities of the Union but had not foreseen the difficulty of expense which regular dining hall meals involve.

Meals at the Union are charged for at the regular rate of 35 cents for breakfast, 50 cents for lunch, and 65 cents for dinner, while at Dudley Hall service is in cafeteria style and dishes are priced separately at not more than five or ten cents.

Arrangements have now been made with dining hall officials to take care of the Freshmen.

The notice which has been posted by the committee reads:


"The Committee on the Harvard College Non-Resident Students' Center has decided to open the membership opportunity to those members of the Freshman commuting student group that desire to avail themselves of this offer and to pay the annual $10 fee if the number of those wishing to join warrants it. Your names should be signed to notices to this effect that have been posted in Phillips Brooks House, the Union, and at the Center itself.
