After voting dividends of $56,000 to last year's members, stockholders of the Harvard Cooperative Society nominated sixteen new officials for the organization at their annual meeting Wednesday. These include executive officers, stockholders, and other directors. As was the policy last year, the Coop will pay dividends on the basis of 7 per cent. for charge accounts and 9 per cent. on cash.
George E. Cole, manager, stated that the new officers will be: stockholders, to serve until October, 1940, Professor Chester Neyes Greenough and Professor Edward A. Whitney, former master of Kirkland House and now on leave of absence for the first semester; officers for one year; president, Henry S. Thompson, '99; vice-president, Austin W. Scott, '37; secretary, Waltor Humphreys; and treasurer, John L. Taylor; other directors for one year, Delmar Leighton, Dean of Freshmen, and Professor Alfred C. Redfield, representing Harvard at Large; Horace S. Ford and Jasper Whiting, representing MIT at Large; Professor Clinton P. Biddle, representing the Harvard Faculty; Professor Kenneth B. Murdock, representing the Harvard Alumni; Henry Elwood Koontz, representing MIT; and Robert S. Playfair, '36; Charles C. Gibson '37 and Francis Keppel '38, representing their respective classes.
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