

Former Star Rises to B Team Position as Moseley and Watt Make Comeback From Sick List

Contrary to his previous plans Coach Dick Harlow decided yesterday that the Varsity needed one more day of work on fundamentals, passing, and kicking before staging another scrimmage. Consequently yesterday's session was spent in brushing up on these basic departments and action was postponed until this afternoon.

Once more the feature of the day was provided by Franny Lane, who appeared yesterday in the backfield of "H" team. That means that in three days Lane has moved from the Jayvees to the Varsity's second string, which is just about the fastest promotion ever accorded any man at Soldiers Field.

To a certain extent Lane shared the spotlight yesterday with Bill Watt and Freddy Moseley, the two injured men who, to the great relief of the coaches, appeared on the field in uniform and were able to run through a light workout. The medical staff had at first feared that Watt was out for a week at least, but apparently Bill is tougher than they figured, for a second examination showed that he was quite ready to continue in service if all due precautions were taken.

Meanwhile, next door to the Varsity's now practice field. Coach Neil Stahley has been getting Freshman football organized. The squad still remains huge, but according to Stahley, a cut is in sight, and will probably be announced by the weekend.

The Varsity "A" lineup yesterday had: Dubiel, le; Spring, lt; Gaffney, lg; Jones, c; Kessler, rg; Watson, rt; Kelly, re; Haley, qb; Hedblom, Ford, and Jackson, backs.
