
"Stevedore" to Be Featured At Harvard-Radcliffe Night

Presentation Given Under Auspices of N.S.L. and S.L.I.D.

Under the joint auspices of the Harvard and Radcliffe National Student League and Student League for Industrial Democracy, a presentation of Clifford Odet's "Stevedore" will be offered by the Boston New Theatre Players at the "Harvard-Radcliffe Night," which will take place tomorrow evening.

Written by the author of "waiting for Lefty," "Stevedore" is a melodrama dealing with social conditions in the South as exemplified by the attempted lynching of a negro deck worker on a trumped-up charge of rape.

Frederick C. Packard, Jr. '20, assistant professor of Public Speaking, and Bernard A. DeVote '20, lecturer on English, expressed a high opinion of the performance, the latter characterizing it as a "profound emotional experience."

Tickets for the "Harvard-Radcliffe Night" may be obtained from Herschel Berman '88 in Kirkland I-41 or from D. Boone Schirmer '37 in Lowell Q-21.
