

To the Editor of the Crimson:

On behalf of Mr. Cantor, Mr. Golden, the whole body of non-resident undergraduates, and myself, I wish to convey, through your columns, our sincere thanks to Mr. Burr, Mr. Hamlin, Mr. Cutter, President Conant, Dean Hanford, and the host of college officials who cased our path, for their splendid spirit of cooperation and sincerity in establishing Dudley Hall.

Their whole-hearted sympathy and unfailing zeal in tackling a difficult problem under adverse conditions has earned them the respect and gratitude of the whole university.

To Mr. White, the new secretary, goes our pledge of earnest support and best wishes of success.

Now that a beginning has been made in so auspicious a manner, the future seems more assured. Herbert D. Tobin '35
