Four men, selected from a field of 39 graduate of 25 colleges and universities, will each receive a fellowship of $1500 annually for three years to take the new course in public service training, being opened this fall by the Department of Government.
The men selected for the fellowships are Paul C. Howard, of Rahway, N. J., A. B. Brown University '35; Dayton W. Hull, '35, of Rochester, N. Y.; Gove G. Johnson, '34, of Washington, D. C.; and William A. Waldron II, of Schenectady, N. Y., A. B. Union College, '35.
Each of these men has been awarded a three year fellowship. In addition, Thomas K. Ford, of Minneapolis, Minn., A. B. University of Minnesota, '33, has been given a special one year fellowship to complete his training for the public service under this plan.
This course in public service training is under the auspices of the Department of Government and is distinct from the course in Public Administration offered for the first year at the Business School. Both these courses are given with the cooperation of the other Departments of the Graduate School and the professional schools.
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