
Undergraduates at Brooks Address Freshmen Monday

Heads of College Organizations Will Outline Aims

With eager smiles and open minds, the class of 1939 will shuffle into Brooks House Monday night at 7.30 o'clock to hear the heads of the various undergraduate organizations deliver eloquent orations, intermingled with the time-honored jokes of the occasion, on the many benefits accruing to the yearlings from participation in the speakers' specific activities. Following a custom sanctified by 300 classes of Harvard men, the speakers will mildly insult the newcomers, deliver a modicum of advice, and partake of light refreshments.

The following men will address the Freshmen at the gathering: Arthur A. Ballantine '36, President of the CRIMSON, Raymond Dennett '36, President of Phillips Brooks House; Douglas P. Dryer '36, President of the Liberal Club; Thomas H. Quinn '36, President of the Student Council and of the Debating Council; Thomas A. Ivory, Jr., '2GB, Manager of the Pierian Sodality and member of the Glee Club; Whitney M. Cook '36, President of the Dramatic Club; John S. Howe '36, President of the Instrumental Club; John J. Slocum '36, President of the "Advocate"; Edward C. Streeter, Jr. '36, President of the Mountaineering Club; and a member of the "Lampoon."
