
Large Majority of 1935 Business School Class Find Positions--Only 27 Definitely Unplaced

More Men in Manufacturing Than in Any Other Field--Banking Ranks Second

Of the 290 men graduated from the Business School last June only 27 are definitely unplaced, recent figures released from Morgan Hall indicate. These figures, carrying through September 15, cannot give the detailed statistics issued in the late fall, as in some cases men have failed to answer the inquiry or their status is doubtful.

Up to the present there are more men in manufacturing than any other branch of business. Banking follows close behind with distribution and accounting taking third and fourth places respectively. Other callings such as teaching, government service, public utilities, advertising, and transportation take care of the rest. In the '34 class two thirds of the men went into commercial banking and the other third into investment banking. This year it is just the reverse.

Following are the placement statistics of the classes of 1933, 1934, and 1935 as of September 15 of each year:   Class of 1933  Class of 1934  Class of 1935 Permanent Positions  243  232  213 Temporary or Pending Positions  37  32  20 Failed to answer Inquiry  27  18  8 Travelling or Studying  29  14  7 Army and Navy Appointees  12  10  11 Unplaced  46  37  27 Number of Men Receiving Degrees or Certificates  394  343  290
