On registration day, Student Council pledge cards will be the last barrier that the incoming Freshmen must pass before leaving Memorial Hall--not to return until mid-year exams. Already he will have signed his name twice as many times as he had in the last seventeen years. That was for each and every dean and subaltern in the College. This last is for his class, his fellow-students, and, perhaps, himself.
The Student Council is the undergraduate self governing body in so far as such an organization exists at Harvard. The money pledged on registration day amounts to a budget for class dues, contributions to various charities in and about Cambridge, that heretofore made drives in the College, and an aid to worthy students. This will be the only contribution solicited during the year.
Men after their Freshman year are eligible for Student Council aids. These are granted on the basis of financial necessity but unlike college scholarships, do not impose scholastic stipulations. Men whose general extra-curricula activities have made it impossible for them to obtain high grades may, if they require it, obtain Student Council assistance. Not seldom, the outstanding men of their class have been enabled to finish college by this means.
Freshman class elections, dances, and the year-book are backed by the Student Council. Through Phillips Brooks House, donations are made on behalf of the student body to various non-college charities. P. B. H. itself does considerable work in settlement houses and youth organizations by means of its share of the Student Council budget.
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