
Einstein, Davis, and Wallace Awarded Honorary Degrees; 1896 Get Diplomas

Professors, Smith President, and Kansas Editor Among 12 Receiving Honors

Albert Einstein, world renowned physicist, will be awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Science this morning as eleven other men including Norman Davis, United States ambassador at large, Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture, and William Allen White, editor of the Emporia Gazette are also honored.

Others who will receive degrees are Albert Sauveur, Gordon McKay Professor of Metallurgy and Metallography, who is known as a pioneer in that field and who is retiring from the Faculty this year; William Allan Neilson, President of Smith College; George Sarton, authority on the history of science; Thomas Mann, author of "Magic Mountain" and "Joseph and His Brothers"; John Campbell Merriam, President of the Carnegie Institution.

Science will be strongly represented as Waldemar Lindgren, William Barton Rogers Professor of Economic Geology at M.I.T., and Charles Schuchert, Yale paleontologist, will also be awarded degrees by President Conant. Walter Prentice Bowers, a practising home physician of Clinton, will be awarded a Master of Arts degree in recognition of his service to the inhabitants of Worcester County.
