
Bolman Gives Oration, Lansing Reads Poem in Colorful Class Day Program

Picturesque Procession Marches to See Harvard Meet Defeat at Hands of Eli Nine

Class Day started slowly yesterday morning under cloudy skies. The events scheduled for the House quadrangle were moved into the New Gym, taking place on the basketball floor. Due to the poor acoustics, the noisy arrival of late spectators and several graduating members of 1935, the various speeches were hard to hear.

The ceremonies began with the Senior parade into the gym to the music of the Pierian Sodality. 1935 sat on the floor before the speakers, while the two grandstands at the sides of the room were filled with a paltry 500 spectators, parents, and press men. Herman Gundlach, Jr., First Marshal, presided and introduced the speakers, the first of whom was Frederick deWolfe Bolman, Jr., the Class Orator.

Bolman Speaks

Bolman, president of the Debating Council, spoke briefly and concisely on how the training that the Class of 1935 received differed from the training given to previous classes, and emphasized the fact that 1935 must be practical.

A side note at the end of this speech was the appearance of a blue-robed figure wearing a crown of blue and gold, a Neptune from the grimy sea, who noisily strode onto the floor and then beat a hasty retreat. It turned out that the figure was a reunioning member of the Class of 1925.


Ten Eyck Lansing, quiet and reserved, with a soft moving voice, read the Class Poem. This was followed by the singing of the Class Ode, written by George Lee Haskins, to the tune of Fair Harvard. Frank E. Johnson, III, Chorister, led the orchestra in accompaniment. The exercises were concluded by the march of the Senior Class to Kirkland House for lunch. Many in the audience expressed regret that these traditional exercises had been moved out of Sanders Theatre.

Lunch in Houses

From noon till the start of the stadium parade at 1.30 o'clock, lunch was served to the various reunion classes in the Houses and at Dillon Field House. The twenty-fives having a spread in Eliot House, were very lavish. Residents of K entry were delightfully surprised to find a well-stocked bar in the ground floor rooms, with efficient delivery out of the windows into the inner court.

After luncheon graduates grouped themselves at the foot of Holyoke Street to form the parade into the stadium. The Harvard Band, made famous by its stellar performances at the football games last fall, was on hand to lead the procession. Two other bands, and one aggregation of graduates which passed for a band, were on hand.

The Class of '69 had the honor of leading the parade, having one grizzled veteran, banner in hand, as a representative. George P. Gardner '10, Chief Marshal, was also in the front rank, taking his position on the rostrum immediately on arrival.

1873 Follows

Next followed a few representatives of '73, preceding a good number of the fifty-year class, who sported banners praising the author of "Casey at the Bat" and the famous '85 ball team, which won ten straight games, defeating Princeton, Dartmouth, and Yale. There followed a sizable representation of the classes of 1900 and 1905, both dressed in ordinary street clothes.

The first real bit of color in the procession came with the twenty-year class, who were white pants, green blazers, and white painters' hats with green visors. They were trailed by the Class of 1920, who were led by a special band, all dressed in army uniform with army tin hats painted with silver. The class members were dressed in orange coats, white trousers, and bright overseas caps.

1925 carried many banners declaring: "Supreme Court Declares Yale Unconstitutional," "Every Man Is a King," "Disloyal Order of the Kingfish," "Share Your Wealth With Your Wife," and "We Are Fugitives From a Chain Letter." They were dressed as kings, with blue robes and blue and gold crowns, making a very colorful procession.

Memories of '29
