
Three New Appointments to Harvard Faculty Are Made

Singstad, Votquenne, Chope Receive One-Year Terms

Appointments to the Harvard University faculty were announced today as follows:

For one year from September 1, 1935 Ole Singstad, appointed Lecturer on Sub-aqueous Tunnels. C.E., Polytechnic Institute of Trondheim, Norway. Chief Consulting Engineer on Tunnels, Port of New York Authority. Home: New York City.

Marius Votquenne, appointed Research Fellow in Surgery. Docteur dn Medicine, University of Brussels '33; Assistant in Surgery and worker in the Laboratory of Histology, University of Algeria, 1933-34; Assistant in Anatomy and worker in the Laboratory of Histology, University of Brussels, 1934-35. Home: Brussels, Belgium.

For one year from June 1, 1935: Harold D. Chope, appointed Instructor in Public Health Administration. A.B., Stanford '26; M.D., ibid., '31; M.P.H., Harvard '33. Assistant in Instruction and Research, Stanford, 1928-31; Instructor in Preventive Medicine, Stanford, 1931-32; Epidemiologist for St. Louis, Mo., 1933-34, and for the state of California 1934-35. At present Health Officer, Newton, Mass.
