I am fully qualified to review any picture at the University Theater. Not only have I reviewed films there in the past but I have been accredited to the best theaters in Boston, Low's State, Keith's, the Metropolitan, and the Paramount as well as the poorer edifices, such as the Olympia, the Park, and the Old Howard, where they have movie critics as well as sailors.
I have witnessed a few very good pictures, a great many mediocre pictures, and thousands of rotten ones. Conservative estimates would allott at least two thousand hours of my time to learning from Clark Gables and Anne Hardings how to spend my free time. I have brought sincerity, humor, and writing talent to my work and reach a circle of 3500 interested subscribers.
I know too that the University is one of our most satisfactory advertisers. I know that our Business Manager, the one who is taking initial pre-nuptial steps, hopes and prays that the Playgoer is going to be satisfied each week with the University pictures. I know too that the National Student League will be only too delighted to here this Why shouldn't I say Naughty Marietta is a superb picture? Even though I have not seen it and doubt that I will, my qualifications and my experience certainly supply a sufficient basis on which to base a sound opinion, backed up by none other than Arthur Ruhl of the New York Herald Tribune.
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