
The Crimson Bookshelf

AMERICA: ITS HISTORY AND PEOPLE. Harold Underwood Faulkner and Tyler Kepner. Harper and Brothers. 1934. 840 pp. $3.50.

IN this time of change there is nothing which is able to keep up to the most recent developments and an incomplete record is likely to bring forth erroneous impressions. Invention, government, geography, and philosophy change with bewildering rapidity and it is history which must place these changes in their proper order.

The authors of "America" have admittedly written a secondary-school text-book, but we are reviewing it briefly here because of its value as a reference which is useful on one's desk.

The volume is divided into five units. The introductory period of discovery and colonization is treated in sufficient detail but is less important than the following divisions of political, economic, and social life of the country and foreign relations. Each unit is developed from the early period to the present with only a few necessary tie-ins with the other units. The author's claim that such organization helps the younger student to better grasp the subject without the usual confusion which a purely chronological story presents. But for our purpose, its great value is in dividing problems in a way which will help as a handy reference in writing papers.

Although the book is written in a vocabulary guaranteed to be "appropriate for grades XI and XII" the bibliographies at the end of each chapter are sure to be of a certain value to a student at Harvard.
