

Lila Rose to Croon on New Eliot Stage At Carnival; D. W. Brown Heads List of Ushers

To the tunes of Mal Hallett and his orchestra and the croons of Lila Rose, Eliot House will give its annual spring dance on Friday, May 17, from 10 to 3 o'clock. The dance will inaugurate the new House stage, designed by John C. Haggott '35, and constructed through the gifts of Theodore Lyman '97, Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and associate of the House, and Marston Morse, professor of Mathematics and tutor in Eliot.

Tickets may be obtained at the door on the night of the dance for $3 stag and $4.50 a couple. Members of the House and their guests may secure them in advance from members of the Committee for $2.50 stag and $4 a couple, the total being limited to 350 persons.

Dinner will be served in the Dining Hall from 7.30 to 8.15 o'clock, at $1 for guests and $.25 in addition, to the regular board charge for House members, to be placed on the term bill.

Patronesses are Mmes. Thomas Barbour, George D. Birkhoff, William L. Langer, and Thomas N. Perkins, Ushers will be members of the House Committee, headed by David W. Brown '36, chairman; Robert S. Chafee '36, Morris De C. Crawford '37, Robert C. Holcombe '37, George S. Franklin, Jr. '36, John M. Hartwell, Jr. '36, David W. Lewis '35, T. Ferguson Locke '35, Neil G. Mclone '37, Hervey L. Smith, Jr. '35, and Warren Sturgis '35.
