With Jack Francis and his orchestra furnishing the music, Winthrop House will hold its annual Spring Dance, Friday, May 10, from 9 to 2 o'clock.
The dance committee, headed by Harold M. Parsons, Jr. '36, has announced the list of patrons and patronesses as follows: Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Ferry, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Dewey, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Parsons.
The House Committee and Dance Committee will serve jointly as ushers, and the list includes the following: Walter R. Amesbury '36, Thomas H. Bilodeau '37, Dorilio C. Braggiotti '35, Robert S. Brookings, II, '35, Walter L. Crampton '36, Thomas G. Curtis '36, Alfred S. Dewey '36, John Dorman '36, Herman Gundlach, Jr. '35, George G. Hedblom '37, Robert K. Holbrook '37, Thomas H. Hunter '35, Parsons, Richard G. Pedrick '37, Robert M. Peet '36, and Peter Ward '36.
Tickets for the dance are priced at $3 a couple, $2 for stags.
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