
Program of General Examinations and Examinations for Honors

MORNING Tuesday May 7 9.15--11.15Fine Arts (written, with slides) Large Fogg Lecture Room 9.15--12.15  Geological Sciences Sever 29 9.15--12.15  Latin Translation Literature, Ancient Authors (Honors) Sever 29 9.15--12.15  Systematic Philosophy and Special Psychological Topics Emerson A Wednesday, May 8 ---  Anthropology (oral) Peabody Museum 9.15--12.15  Biochemical Sciences Emerson 211 9.15--12.15  English Literature (Part Two) Emerson D 9.15--12.15  Greek Composition (Greek 3 and 7) Sever 29 9.15--1.15  History, Government and Economics (Special) Memorial Hall 9.15--12.15  Literature, Modern Authors (Honors) Emerson D 9.15--12.15  History of Modern Philosophy Emerson F 9.15-12.15  Sociology Emerson F
