
750 Sign Petition Protesting Conant Minor Sport Policy

Unanimous Support Claimed in Varsity Club and Freshman Class

Seven hundred and fifty men, more or less, have signed the petition now being circulated protesting President Conant's abolition of seven minor sports in an effort to balance the H.A.A.'s budget, it was claimed last night.

Almost unanimous support was claimed in the Varsity Club, and in the Freshman Class, for the petition which charges that the official figures are erroneous and asks that each student be taxed $7 to continue sports.

Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. '38, Arthur Oakes '38, G. Russell Allen '33, and William T. Glendinning '33, framers of the petition, claim that 20 per cent, and not four per cent of the student body compete in these sports marked for oblivion.
