All Students who are to be excused from any final examinations will receive from the designated authority in the field a list of such examinations. MORNING Monday, May 6 9.15--12.15 Anthropology (Written) Peabody Museum 9.15--12.15 English Literature (Part One) New Lecture Hall 9.15--12.15 French, German, Italian and Spanish Literatures New Lecture Hall 9.15--12.15Greek Translation Sever 29 *9.15--12.15 Government (Departmental) Economics Memorial Hall *9.15--1.15 History (Departmental) Emerson D *9.15--1.15 History and Literature--Final General Examination and Qualifying Examination (for Juniors, candidates for Honors) Emerson D 9.15--12.15--History of Ancient Philosophy and General Psychology Emerson 211 9.15--12.15 Sociology Emerson 211 *The Examination will begin at 9.15. The papers, however, will be distributed at 9 o'clock to those present. Tuesday May 7 9.15--11.15 Fine Arts (Written, with slides) Large Fogg Lecture Room 9.15--12.15 Geological Sciences Sever 29 9.15--12.15 Latin Translation Literature, Ancient Authors (Honors) Sever 29 9.15--12.15 Systematic Philosophy and special Psychological Topics Emerson A